International trade fairs - visit hannover

Hannover Lounge

“Welcome to Lower Saxony, welcome to Hannover” – this is the slogan of the Hannover Lounge.

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The Hannover Lounge was initiated in 2015 by hannoverimpuls, Deutsche Messe AG and Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH to handle joint presentation and marketing activities for the city of Hannover and Lower Saxony. Following its highly successful attendance at WIN INDIA in New Delhi and PTC ASIA in Shanghai, the group was joined by Hannover Airport and TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH in 2016.
The prominently placed Lounge presents the trade fair, business and tourism destinations in Lower Saxony and Hannover in the form of large-scale visuals. Info counters, monitors and posters inform international visitors of the highly interesting locations and their numerous strengths. The Lounge is the first point of contact for visitors to the city and provides them with comprehensive information. It is designed to appeal to foreign investors and enterprises planning to set up business in Lower Saxony and will also serve as a venue for presentations and press conferences.

Welcome to Hannover

Business Destination - Europe

Hannover, with its strong economic structure in the center of Europe, allows Lower Saxony to grow steadily and becomes even more attractive as an economic...

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