
University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover

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Das Gebäude der Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover aus der Vogelperspektive gesehen.

The Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media is one of Germany’s most renowned institutions for professional training and academic study in the cultural and artistic field.

Zeit für eine Pause: Studierende erholen sich vor dem HMTMH-Gebäude am Emmichplatz.

Some 360 teachers, amongst them numerous internationally celebrated artists, educationalists and academics, teach nearly 1,500 students from all over the world. The balance between music, drama, education and academic research and the commitment to excellence both at the highest level of solo performance and also in the broader training of ensemble players and teachers are at the core of HMTMH’s understanding of its role. To this end, the university provides a broad but differentiated offering of courses and programs, currently consisting of 33 study programs supplemented by world-class master classes.

Support of Young Talents

The HMTMH asserts itself among the international competition through an exceptional range of studies, extending the usual scope of a music college with subjects such as acting or media studies. The highest level of international recognition accorded to the HMTMH has always been for its artistic performance programs. The overall focus lies on the promotion of individual talent as well as of orchestral competence. In the instrumental performance programs professors teach all orchestral instruments except the harp – this is a clear commitment to the professional training of orchestral musicians right across the board, and secures the HMTMH a top ranking position both in a national and in an international perspective. The Departments of Chamber Music, Contemporary Music, Ancient Music, Jazz|Rock|Pop and Musicology are sources of artistic inspiration for the HMTMH’s wider range of offerings. Furthermore, the Institute for the Early Advancement of the Musically Highly Gifted (IFF), established in 2001, plays a vital role in providing professional training .In addition to education, the HMTMH contributes to the progress of modern society through research: Six scientific institutes are engaged in the domains of musicians’ medicine, media studies, music education, world music, synagogue music, musicology and gender studies.

Internships and scholarship programmes

Numerous cooperation partners from the fields of music, theatre and academe ensure practice-oriented education and open up promising prospects for the students’ future careers. Internships and scholarship programmes are offered to students by the Staatsoper Hannover, Staatsorchester, NDR-Radiophilharmonie, media companies and international theatre talented young musicians.

Official website of the University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover