
Year of Leibniz 2016

Hannover is characterised by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 2016.

In 2016, both the birthday and the day of death of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz had their anniversaries. The city of Hannover dedicated that year to the polymath.

The birthday of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz celebrated its anniversary on the 1st of July 2016 for the 370th time. His day of death had its anniversary on the 14th of November for the 300th time. With different cultural events, scientific congresses and severel offerings for young people, the city of Hannover wanted to remind of the life and work of the genius Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for one whole year.

Several anniversaries in one year

In addition to this, two other facilities that have dedicated their work to the polymath, celebrated their anniversaries in 2016: The Leibniz University Hannover celebrated its 10-year name anniversary, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Society could look back to 50 years of activity.

New building and special exhibition

The opening of the new building of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library took place in December 2015. There was also a special exhibition for the universal genius from the 21st of June until the 31st of December 2016 at the new building of the library. Here you could find some interesting information, stories and anecdotes of the life of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

A Portrait of his Life

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

A portrait of his life: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz – the last polymath – died almost 300 years ago.

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The way of living of the renaissance man

House of Leibniz

Built in 1499, the residence of the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was destroyed 1943 during an airstrike in Hannover. 40 years later, the reconstruct...

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Hannover's Leibniz Treasury

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library

The National Library of Lower Saxony received a new name in 2005: "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - National Library of Lower Saxony". With an inventor...

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The baroque ancestor of the calculator

Leibniz Calculating Machine

The calculating machine, invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, is considered a technical marvel of its time and ranks among the most precious cultural tr...

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A smart mind as an art object

Leibniz Memorial

The larger than life-sized bronze head at the south end of the Opera Square in the Georgstraße is a tribute to the significant philosopher and polymath Go...

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Romantic memorial site in Georgengarten

Leibniz Temple

A round temple open to all sides in the Georgengarten reminds of the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz who died in 1716.

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Masterstroke of Hermann Bahlsen

Leibniz Cake

The Hannoverian sugar merchant Hermann Bahlsen invented the butter biscuit in 1891. He named the crispy cookies "Leibniz Cakes", honouring thereby the mos...

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