Führungen für Gruppenhttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525439/full/1/5683442015-11-04T13:40:53+01:00Guided tour of the Niedersachsen parliament buildingMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/568253/full/1/6422162015-11-04T13:40:53+01:00Do you want to know where the parliament of Niedersachsen (Landtag) now holds its meetings in the former Georg-von-Coelln Haus during the conversion work being done on the proper parliament debating chamber?Guided tour of Hannover‘s State OperaMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525379/full/1/5682712014-11-24T11:49:59+01:00The Hannover State Opera is among the world‘s best opera houses and among the most beautiful buildings in Hannover.Guided tour through the regional broadcasting house, the Konzerthaus HannoverMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525376/full/1/5682652014-11-24T11:40:55+01:00Did you ever wonder where the presenters sit when you listen to NDR radio?Guided tour of the Niedersachsen parliament buildingMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/55840/full/1/3628502006-05-08T20:35:50+02:00What is hidden behind the impressive walls of the Leine Palace in Hannover?
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<title>Führungen für Gruppen</title>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525439/full/1/568344"/>
<title>Guided tour of the Niedersachsen parliament building</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/568253/full/1/642216"/>
<content>Do you want to know where the parliament of Niedersachsen (Landtag) now holds its meetings in the former Georg-von-Coelln Haus during the conversion work being done on the proper parliament debating chamber?</content>
<title>Guided tour of Hannover‘s State Opera</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525379/full/1/568271"/>
<content>The Hannover State Opera is among the world‘s best opera houses and among the most beautiful buildings in Hannover.</content>
<title>Guided tour through the regional broadcasting house, the Konzerthaus Hannover</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/525376/full/1/568265"/>
<content>Did you ever wonder where the presenters sit when you listen to NDR radio?</content>
<title>Guided tour of the Niedersachsen parliament building</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/55840/full/1/362850"/>
<content>What is hidden behind the impressive walls of the Leine Palace in Hannover?</content>