Leibnizhaushttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/542571/full/1/6026202015-03-04T16:06:46+01:00House of LeibnizMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/542571/full/1/6026202015-03-04T16:06:46+01:00Built in 1499, the residence of the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was destroyed 1943 during an airstrike in Hannover. 40 years later, the reconstruction with a front true to original took place in the old town.
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<title>House of Leibniz</title>
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<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/542571/full/1/602620"/>
<content>Built in 1499, the residence of the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was destroyed 1943 during an airstrike in Hannover. 40 years later, the reconstruction with a front true to original took place in the old town.</content>