Karikaturmuseum Wilhelm Buschhttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/351116/full/1/7602081999-03-02T00:00:00+01:00Museum for Caricature Wilhelm BuschMax Mustermannmax@mustermann.dehttps://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/351116/full/1/7602081999-03-02T00:00:00+01:00In special exhibitions the Karikaturmuseum Wilhelm Busch shows the work of international artists who, by virtue of their critical attitude, are akin to Wilhelm Busch, e. g. James Gillray, George Cruikshank, Honoré Daumier, J. J. Grandville, Francisco de Goya, Heinrich Zille, Walter Trier, Loriot, Gerald Scarfe or Ronald Searle.
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<title>Karikaturmuseum Wilhelm Busch</title>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/351116/full/1/760208"/>
<title>Museum for Caricature Wilhelm Busch</title>
<name>Max Mustermann</name>
<link href="https://www.hannover.de/en/en/view/content/351116/full/1/760208"/>
<content>In special exhibitions the Karikaturmuseum Wilhelm Busch shows the work of international artists who, by virtue of their critical attitude, are akin to Wilhelm Busch, e. g. James Gillray, George Cruikshank, Honoré Daumier, J. J. Grandville, Francisco de Goya, Heinrich Zille, Walter Trier, Loriot, Gerald Scarfe or Ronald Searle.</content>