
Sightseeing modules

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Arrange your very own programme of the day with our attractive adventure modules.

Panorama & Diorama

Panorama & Diorama

The guided tour of the New Town Hall reveals all the facts about this opulent Wilhelminian architectural highlight!

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Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen

Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen

Enjoy the atmosphere of one the baroque gardens during a professional guided tour.

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Marienburg Castle

Marienburg Castle

Marienburg Castle lies on an outlier of the Deister hills around 20 km south of Hannover.

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Adventure modules

International Fireworks Competition

Every year, five teams from around the world compete against one another in the baroque Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen.

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On this guided tour you get to know interesting facts on the production and history of beer and the history of the Herrenhausen brewery will be presented....

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