Research & Innovation

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Grundlagenforschung, Exzellenzcluster oder Produktentwicklung, für alle Felder sind innovative Ideen gefragt. In Hannover arbeiten Hochschulen und mehrere wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen an den Themen der Zukunft. Lerne die Menschen kennen, die an neuen Technologien forschen und ungewöhnliche Wege beschreiten, um ihr wissenschaftliches Ziel zu erreichen.

Hannover ist eine Stadt des Wissens. Hier arbeiten Studenten und Forscher an den Themen der Zukunft. Steig ein in die Welt der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit. Lerne die Menschen kennen, die an neuen Technologien forschen, die ungewöhnliche, neue Wege beschreiten wollen um ihr wissenschatfliches Ziel zu erreichen.

The new Cluster of Excellence strengthens vulnerable people against infections

RESIST – Research for the Weakest

Why do bacteria and viruses harm some people seriously and hardly affect others? How can infections be better prevented, diagnosed and treated in an indiv...

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Photonics, Optics, and Engineering- Innovation across Disciplines

Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD

Making optical precision instruments quickly and inexpensively using additive production methods such as 3D printing: what sounds like a vision is the aim...

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Cutting-edge research for the collaboration between man and machine

Robotics at Leibniz Universität Hannover

Robots support us in our everyday life, in teaching, industry, and medicine. They evoke visions of science fiction and inspire free association. Robotics...

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The future of asthma research: live lung slices

A New Alternative to Animal Testing!

Why do I have trouble breathing? About 5 percent of all Germans suffer from asthma. No wonder that scientists are searching for new drugs to alleviate the...

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New fields of research, application, and business

Optogenetics – using light to control cells

Can we activate and deactivate cells with a light switch? Optogenetics, a relatively new scientific discipline that combines optical technologies and life...

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The bio concept car research project

Smudo in the Speed Drunkenness

The future of mobility is green – that is the firm belief of the IfBB, Smudo, celebrity racer and lead singer of the German hip-hop band “Fanta4”, and rac...

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