Research for Health

Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine

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Protecting man from health hazards in our industrialized world and contributing to the development of novel therapeutic approaches – these are the aims we pursue at the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM.

Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) – assessing the risk of chemicals using new strategies that are animal-free, safer, more effective, and more sustainable

Chemical Risk Assessment Goes NGRA

Throughout our lives, we are exposed to a wide range of chemicals, making the safe handling of chemicals very important. At present, legally mandated risk...

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Pioneers for sustainable health

Global events and crises, such as pandemics and climate change, are rapidly changing the way we live our lives.Innovative solutions for human health – tha...

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Simulation of infections in human precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) to test the efficacy of drugs

Respiratory Infection Research

Due to the institute’s proximity to the Hannover Medical School, researchers at Fraunhofer ITEM in Hannover have the opportunity to work directly with hum...

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The future of asthma research: live lung slices

A New Alternative to Animal Testing!

Why do I have trouble breathing? About 5 percent of all Germans suffer from asthma. No wonder that scientists are searching for new drugs to alleviate the...

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The pollen challenge chamber study

Breathing easy despite hay fever?

Julia Böhling studies medicine. She tells us why she signed up as a test person for this study and voluntarily exposes herself to pollen. See what Julia h...

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