Adventure modules

International Fireworks Competition

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Every year, five teams from around the world compete against one another in the baroque Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen.

This event will be an unforgettable experience for your guests:

On five Saturdays, they use every technique in the book to thrill the visitors and impress the jury. And even before the fireworks start, visitors are entertained during the early part of the
evening by a varied programme of live music, variety acts and theatre performances for the whole family.

Our offer:

• Admission ticket for the 33. International Fireworks Competition

Information & booking:

Competition dates in 2025:

May 17th (USA), June 14th (Netherlands), August 16th (Canada), September 6th (Italy), September 20th (England)


€ 22,- p.P., plus postage

Information & Booking: