Frequently Asked Questions


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Hannover Aktivpass

A service offered by the state capital Hannover for people with low income

Who's eligible for the HannoverAktivPass?

You're eligible for the Pass if you receive

  • Arbeitslosengeld II (unemployment benefit) or Sozialgeld (income support) - as a dependant - from JobCenter Region Hannover or
  • Hilfe zum Lebensunterhalt (a cost-of-living allowance) or Grundsicherung / Sozialhilfe (basic income support) from the City of Hannover's Social Services Division or Senior Citizens' Division or
  • Wohngeld (housing benefit) or
  • other ongoing income support (e.g. assistance with social integration or with care provision) from the City of Hannover's Social Services Division or
  • benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act from the City of Hannover's Social Services Division or
  • benefits as a supplementary cost-of-living allowance from Region Hannover under the war disablement pension scheme.

Annabad Hannover

Do you have to live in Hannover to receive the HannoverAktivPass?

Yes, you have to be registered as a resident here.

Is the Pass also available to children?

Yes, elibility begins at birth.

Do I have to pick up my HannoverAktivPass myself?

No, the Pass will be sent automatically by December to everyone who receives the above-mentioned benefits on an ongoing basis.

How long is the HannoverAktivPass valid for?

It's valid for one year - from 1st January to 31st December.

Do I have to renew my Pass after that?

No, the HannoverAktivPass will be sent out automatically to anyone in receipt of the above-mentioned benefits as of December the following year.

What if I don't receive unemployment benefit, the cost-of-living allowance or another of the above-mentioned benefits until after 1 January?

  • If you are unemployed

If your "Arbeitslosengeld II" unemployment benefit is not approved until after January 1st, you’ll have to collect your HannoverAktivPass yourself from one of our Citizens’ Bureaus (‘Bürgerämter’). All you need to do is present your currently valid notification of approval from "JobCenter Region Hannover" along with your ID. This also applies to dependents who obtain income support from the "JobCenter".

  • If you receive the cost-of-living allowance | basic income support housing benefit

The HannoverAktivPass will be sent out automatically by the City of Hannover’s Social Services or Senior Citizens’ division upon approval. This also applies to asylum seekers who receive assistance under the AsylbLG scheme.

What do I need to do to receive the benefits that come with the HannoverAktivPass?

Present your Pass and valid official ID at the entrance, box-office, front desk, etc. That’s all you need to do.

What benefits etc. does the HannoverAktivPass entitle me to?

Historisches Museum Hannover

There are a wide range of deals available from different providers, such as free entry to museums, no library charges, cheaper membership fees in sports clubs for children and young people, and much more. The HannoverAktivPass does not replace the benefits available under the ‘Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket’ (Package for Education and Social Inclusion) national government scheme. These can be requested from the relevant agencies (such as the job centres).